Here are 11 ways I’ve noticed in which leaders
sabotage their ministry. I’m personally working to address each of these daily
in my own life and leadership.
Why? Because most of us never intend to destroy
anything. But sometimes we do anyway. Here’s how:
1. Caring more about your personal success than the
success of others and the mission. The
battle against sin is a battle against self. If you don’t check your ego,
it will check you. Godly leadership means caring about the mission more than
you care about your personal success, and desiring to see others flourish.
Leaders who forget that destroy their potential and the potential of their
2. Hogging the spotlight. In our celebrity-driven, social media culture, it’s
easier than ever to try to draw attention to yourself. Best anti-dote? Push
others into the spotlight. Align and equip people, and then let them
3. An unwillingness to deal with your personal
“junk”. I don’t know
a single effective leader who hasn’t been to counseling. I’m not making that
up. If you don’t deal with your personal junk—your issues and baggage—you will
harm not only yourself but the people you love and lead. Deal with your issues.
Your kids, spouse and the people you lead will thank you.
4. Micromanagement. I remember an elder’s meeting years ago where one of
our elders looked at me and said “I don’t know whether you’ll ever be able to
let go”. Never forgotten that. The more I micro-manage the more I
interfere with the mission and leadership potential of others. Wrote this post about the journey
away from being a control freak.
5. Distraction. Every day there’s a battle for focus. Stay focused on
the ministry and mission. Not on the critics. Not on neat shiny diversions.
Keep your focus.
6. Not giving others permission to tell you the truth. Many leaders say they want to hear what people think,
but really don’t. Here are two questions I’m starting to ask my direct reports
every month:
Is there anything I have done or said in the last
month that’s robbed you of your passion or energy for our mission? If you were me, what would you do differently?
Thanks to Clay Scroggins for
introducing me to those incredible questions.
7. Caring too much about insiders and not
outsiders. Focus on who
you want to reach, not who you want to keep. Many leaders spend time with
outsiders because their 40+ hours are completely absorbed with insiders. You
control your time, so decide carefully how you use it.
8. Letting your personal walk with Christ slide. It’s so sad that many people lose their closeness to
Jesus in the name of serving him. Don’t. You know what to do. Do it.
9. Letting your home life unravel. Again, don’t sacrifice your family in the name of
ministry. Here are 5 surprisingly easy ways to lead better
at home.
10. Failing to care for yourself. This takes out so many leaders. And you’re not just
taking yourself down, you’re bringing down everyone with you including your
family. This post can help you see
whether you are taking appropriate self-care or whether you are
11. Fear of taking actual risks. Yep. At some point, you have to do something. Study
and pray for sure. But then act. Stare down fear. My friend Jeff
Brodie has an amazing post on fear in leadership
I’d recommend you read. I think fear is why most leader’s don’t pull
the triggers they need to pull.